If you are not already aware, HRSA (the Health Resources and Services Administration) announced the P4 Challenge - a national contest aimed at improving well-child visits and their accompanying services, namely vaccines, developmental screening, etc....
As you should be aware, the 2021 RBRVS values have a significant impact on the relative value of some key procedures important to pediatricians, especially E&Ms.
Thanks to helpful feedback from the 100s of daily users, the elves have improved and expanded the MDM calculator. In particular, they've added a COOL TIMER that you can use to track your time during a visit with the click of a button. Free and as sim...
A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of being invited back to the EntreMD podcast with Dr. Una. Apparently, our last podcast was her most popular podcast in all of 2020!
Every year, I try to analyze the impact of the RVU changes on pediatricians. Why? Because what the Feds do in the Nov/Dec/Jan cycle each has a profound, downstream effect on pediatricians. Going through this process is also how I figured out what was...
Executive summary: imperfect, but compelling, evidence shows that not only are there racial disparities with flu shot administration, it has gotten worse in 2020.
Executive summary: the evidence that child BMI is increasing significantly during COVID...maybe? A little? However, we need to check again in a couple months.
UPDATE, 01/28/21: When I completed this analysis in December, 2020, I was using the originally published GPCI values. In early January, the Feds updated the GPCI values significantly. It took me a little bit to get back to this, but I've updated the ...
I've had a busy summer and just wrapped up my time at the Florida AAP chapter's "Future of Pediatrics" annual event. Thank you to those who stopped by to say hello! In a few short weeks, it will be time for the 2024 Pediatric CEO event, which I'm really excited for. I think there are a few seats left. I write, however, to draw your attention to two free resources that every pediatric practice should have bookmarked!