Average Pediatric Panel Size

I've been working on a little project relating to the impact of COVID on pediatric preventive care (a weird silver lining to the pandemic) and I realized I was holding some data in my hand that some on SOAPM have been interested in lately.  So I'm sharing it.

Here's a distribution graph of the patient panel sizes for a big chunk of PCC's practices.  I've removed brand new practices, retiring practices, direct care practices, etc., whose body counts are atypical.  Here's what we get:patient_dist

[You can click on the picture to zoom in.]

The X-axis represents the number of patients in a given practice and the Y-axis is the %age of PCC clients in that bucket.  In other words, about 21% of PCC clients have around 1200 (1195) patients.  75% of PCC's clients have between 1000 and 1800 patients, with the biggest chunk (65%) in the 1000-1500 range.  

What's interesting is that there is some negative correlation between practice size and panel size - in other words, a lot of our smaller practices have larger panel sizes (especially if they are rural).

Some caveats:

  • Our method of counting physicians may  be different from yours.  We definitely undercount some portion of our clients.  Thus, on one hand, these numbers are perhaps a little high.
  • On the other hand, what's an active patient?  We're counting everyone <21 who has been into the practice in the last 36m and hasn't been marked as inactive.  

Thoughts, suggestions welcomed. 
