Content that Helps You Manage
Your Patients Better

Pediatric Benchmarks for RVU Rate by Procedure Type

Thanks to the impetus provided by an inspired comment on the previous blog entry, Igor and I got excited about the idea of analyzing the average RVU rate for all CPT codes, broken down by procedure type. Are "well codes" paid at the same rate as "sic...
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Quick and Dirty 2011 IA Comparision Tool

After bantering around with some SOAPM and PedTalk folks off-line about the impact of the 2011 IA codes, I decided to whip together a quick tool to allow you to compare the potential income difference between the new codes and old. It'll let you comp...
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Podcasts/Chip Hart

Available on iTunes
I've had a busy summer and just wrapped up my time at the Florida AAP chapter's "Future of Pediatrics" annual event. Thank you to those who stopped by to say hello! In a few short weeks, it will be time for the 2024 Pediatric CEO event, which I'm really excited for. I think there are a few seats left. I write, however, to draw your attention to two free resources that every pediatric practice should have bookmarked!
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