Content that Helps You Manage
Your Patients Better

Patients and Doctors vs. THEM

I have a bad habit of writing my blogs late at night or early in the morning, which isn't always the smartest thing from both an articulation/clarity and family-relations perspective. This is a test to see if I can post something meaningful in 8 minu...
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2008 RVU Analysis, Part I - GPCI!

Each year, when the new RVU values and rates are announced, a tremendous amount of attention is paid to the "Conversion Factor" - is it going down 10% this year, after all? Will the cut only be 5%? Could it go up by 5%? Most of the time, little atten...
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Stop Making the Picket Signs . . . (UHC-25)

We have had confirmation that the recent bulletin from UHC interpreted to mean that they intended to delay -25 modifier payments indefinitely does not refer to the -25 modifiers! They are still on track for a Dec 8 "release" with backdating to Octobe...
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FluMist Twofer

I have two you'll-see-it-here-first-if-not-only reports to provide you about the 2008 RVUs, but I'm reloading my personal machine (new hard drive) and I can't get to them until Friday. Until then, you have to suffer with this important FluMist news.
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Microsoft "Health"

I have to admit that I was a bit dismayed, but fascinated, by the giant Microsoft booth at the recent AAP show in SF. The fascination came from the cool vein-finder tool (if you saw it, you know what I'm talking about - I can't find a link quickly). ...
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Podcasts/Chip Hart

Available on iTunes
I've had a busy summer and just wrapped up my time at the Florida AAP chapter's "Future of Pediatrics" annual event. Thank you to those who stopped by to say hello! In a few short weeks, it will be time for the 2024 Pediatric CEO event, which I'm really excited for. I think there are a few seats left. I write, however, to draw your attention to two free resources that every pediatric practice should have bookmarked!
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