Join Jan Blanchard, Amanda Ciadella, Alex Meyer, Dr. Katrina Skinner, Paul Vanchiere, and me for in "Practice Perfect: Strategies for Perfecting the Business of Pediatrics" a FCAAP Practice Management Series for 2022. 6 monthly webinars featuring the best pediatric speakers on the most important topics culminating in the annual FCAAP event in September. We're covering the gamut - from opening practices to employing doctors to selling your practice.

Here's a list of the dates, times, topics, and speakers:
Session #1: The 60 Minute Business Class We Wish Every Resident Had to Take
- Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 6:30-7:30pm ET
- Speaker: Chip Hart (Director of Pediatric Solutions, PCC)
Session #2: How Much Should I Pay? Compensation Models for Partners and Employed Clinicians
- Thursday, May 12, 2022, 6:30-7:30pm ET
- Speaker: Alex Meyer, MBA (Pediatric Solutions Consultant, PCC)
Session #3: Determining the Value of a Pediatric Practice
Session #4: PCMH Transformation for Florida Pediatric Practices
Session #5: 2022 Coding Updates
- Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 6:30-7:30pm ET
- Speaker: Jan Blanchard, CPC, CPEDC, CPMA (Pediatric Solutions Consultant, PCC)
Session #6: The Magic of Tidying Up: How A Pediatrician Can Simplify Their Life and Practice to Find More Joy
Session #7: The Most Important Work You Do
Session #8: How Much Can I Pay My Employed Clinician? (How Much Can My Employer Pay Me?)
Register now - we are talking about prizes for people who attend all 8 sessions!