Content that Helps You Manage
Your Patients Better

Pediatric Physical Rate (Data GOLD)

For years, I have promoted the concept of doing more well visits in your pediatric practice. I believe that it’s not only a clinically superior path, it also is more financially beneficial to the practice.
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The State of Pediatric Concierge Medicine

The Fall SOAPM newsletter has been out for a bit and yours truly did a piece on concierge medicine. I have a fun follow-up to it, too! Make sure you join SOAPM - it’s only $30/year - to get the rest of the newsletter…
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Asthma and Flu Shots

According to CDC and The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology (check out THAT acronym!), children with asthma should be kept up to date with their flu shots.
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Red Flag Rule Suspended and "EHR vs. EMR"

There was some back-and-forth on PedTalk the other day (well, Susanne posted something and there was a lot of back-and-forth inside PCC). It turns out that, as of two days ago, the rules were suspended until at least May, 2009. You can read the detai...
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AAP NCE 2008 Days 2-3

The time has come to create some kind of social calendar for PCC at the NCE. It’s almost like going to your own wedding - you see people you’d love to spend some real time with across the room and the best you can do is give a wave. This was easily o...
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Podcasts/Chip Hart

Available on iTunes
I've had a busy summer and just wrapped up my time at the Florida AAP chapter's "Future of Pediatrics" annual event. Thank you to those who stopped by to say hello! In a few short weeks, it will be time for the 2024 Pediatric CEO event, which I'm really excited for. I think there are a few seats left. I write, however, to draw your attention to two free resources that every pediatric practice should have bookmarked!
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