Finally, something fun and enriching. And something to look forward to!
October 9 and 10, 2020, a virtual conference just for female pediatricians.
What is it?
It's a conference.
It's designed just for female pediatricians.
It's going to be fun, social, and a contrast to the struggle of the last half year.
What is it NOT?
It's not about EHRs or coding or practice management or ear infections or special clinical guidelines or certification or anything like that.
It won't be boring or a waste of time or like any other event you've been to this year.
It's an event (and community) dedicated specifically to the unique needs of female pediatricians. And there will be a DJ with a dance party. And exercise breaks. But most importantly, there will be content that is hard to find at the NCE or anywhere else. Topics like "Self-Care, Burnout, and Relationships" and "Promoting Your Brand" and a two-part class on Acing Your Media Game - and my favorite, "Does This Make My Badass Look Big?" - taught by experts with the goal of making your life better.
Many of my readers attended the Silent Disco night at the PMI conference in Miami. It was the best social event of 2020 in the pediatric world. The crew behind that (namely, Dr. Katrina Skinner and her friends) are behind this.
If you want to learn more about the virtual event, go here.
If you want to learn more about Women In Pediatrics, the community Dr. Skinner is building to support this event and beyond, head here.
I hope I'll see you there.