
2011 GPCI Analysis

[Note: I have updated this data to reflect the 1.000 min Work GPCI for all locations.]
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Meaningful Use, HHS, AAP, You Name It!

After today's post, I am going to return with some really cool benchmark data (the sort of topic I prefer), but the news about EHRs is coming fast and furiously. My apologies for the length of the post.
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AAP Federal Health Care Reform Update #2

Just yesterday, we had an update from the AAP about how healthcare reform items are taking shape in Washington. Now, we have a new one, a little more fresh. The most important part is the "ACADEMY PERSPECTIVE" I think.
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Podcasts/Chip Hart

Available on iTunes
I've had a busy summer and just wrapped up my time at the Florida AAP chapter's "Future of Pediatrics" annual event. Thank you to those who stopped by to say hello! In a few short weeks, it will be time for the 2024 Pediatric CEO event, which I'm really excited for. I think there are a few seats left. I write, however, to draw your attention to two free resources that every pediatric practice should have bookmarked!
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