Response to CAM Article Regarding Anti-Vaccinators

A week or so ago, Dr. David Horowitz from NC, posted the following message to SOAPM:

I briefly posted a week or 2 ago about an article in Pediatrics (Last November, Supplement 4) devoted to CAM that focused on anti-vaxers. The feeling was that a lot of the points the authors made were unrealistic and not grounded in reality. I have composed a formal response to this article that I would like to submit to Pediatrics as reflecting the view point of the pediatrician in private practice and not the isolated ivory tower view point of ethicists, lawyers, and internists (i.e. the authors of the article, not one of whom is a practicing pediatrician, as far as Google can tell me)...I believe a response such as mine will be a start in telling the editors what is important to us. To that end, I think this would be a much more powerful statement if it came from the Section rather than me as an individual. So please chime in as to whether you would be either willing to put your name on this as a individual supporter and whether you think this should be sent on the SOAPM letterhead. This listserve is about as close to polling the membership on this or any other issue.

The letter is here.

Dozens of SOAPM members have written to express their desire to be signed to the bottom of the letter, so I thought to share it here. If you are interested in being attached, send me an email, and I will forward it to Dr. Horowitz (I'm trying not to blast his email to the world).

I know that a few small changes were requested and I don't know the status of the latest draft, I'm sure he'll be glad to share it.
