Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

The Pediatric Office of Today

Written by Chip Hart | Feb 14, 2012 2:38:30 PM

Attendees of the AAP NCE are surely familiar with the Office of the Future exhibit that has grown in size and scope over the past few years.  I don't know if it began that way, but since at least 2010, the project has been the baby of Dr. Gregg Alexander, a pediatrician also well known for his DOCTalk role over on

PCC has supported the AAP by sponsoring the booth and extending our display into one of the "quadrants."  And, last fall, I gave two brief presentations along with a dozen+ other folks.  Although I'm not a fan of my results, many of them are very much worth the time to watch them - and you can now see them on-line (here and here)!  I know it's impossible to see and do everything you want at the NCE, so for Dr. Alexander to take the time to put these talks on-line is a wonderful effort (I believe we have to thank PCC competitor, Nuesoft).

Dr. Alexander also let me know that there are great changes in store for the Pediatric Office of the Future, including a potential name change.  I'll quote him rather than mangle it:

...the “Pediatric Office of the Future” is not about “the Future”, but about technologies, of all sorts (not just electronics) that are available today to help pediatricians provide better care, have better lifestyles, and increase their bottom line. In fact, we’re going to use this year as a transition year away from the current “Pediatric Office of the Future” name. It will now come under the COCIT (Council On Clinical Information Technology) management and we will have a very different approach. We will be able to have all of the educational sessions we want, not CME of course, but without any of the restrictions (such as no presentation slides on large screen monitors) as we did this year. We are going to change the exhibit’s name (final name yet to be determined.) This year, we’re going to do a red strike-through of “the Future” and write “Today” off to the side, sort of like “Pediatric Office of the Future Today.” It seems the future” term throws the concrete thinkers into assuming it isn’t useful for today’s practices.

He let me in on some other changes, including a reference to a possible return to the Pediatric documentation challenge! Glad to see the AAP supporting this development.