Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Questions and Answers from April Pediatric Practice Management and Coding Conference

Written by Chip Hart | Jul 23, 2008 3:03:31 PM

Long overdue, but I did try to get them right. Thanks go out to Donelle Holle as well as Igor and Q who helped check them out before posting.

If you'd like a nice, neat copy, you can download the PDF. I was going to post the entire thing here, but it is much too long. Here is a sample Q/A:

1. What RVU is associated with 99058 (emergency)? Do insurers pay?

The 99058 CPT code has no RVUs. There are, indeed, many insurers that pay the office emergency code however. Of course, payment will vary from one carrier to another – payments are usually between $20 and $75. When using this code, remember to document the fact that the service was indeed an emergency, as we all know that not all walk-ins are emergencies.

Don't forget that we have another AAP-endorsed event scheduled for September!