Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!


Written by Chip Hart | Jan 18, 2012 2:34:53 PM

At our Users' Conference last summerBrandon Betancourt gave a presentation entitled, "Practice Makeover: 101 Ways to Transform Your Practice."  I was teaching at the same time, so I couldn't attend, but I did hear the applause at the finish.

I knew PCC had his handouts, so I went through them and was blown away.  Brandon did a tremendous amount of work here!  What an amazing document.  I encourage you all to download this presentation and share it with your office.  He has recently updated it and I am sharing that version of it with you here.

The point of the effort isn't that you must or even should do all of these suggestions.  Some of them will be completely inappropriate for your office.  But, somewhere in this list, there will be a small gem that could transform your practice.  Given the small 10 minute investment to read, I don't know who could reasonably object.  Take a few minutes, and then don't forget to visit hisblog.

My only complaint is that item #1 isn't "Work with PCC!"