Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Pediatric Practice Management Calendar

Written by Chip Hart | Mar 28, 2007 4:21:00 PM

Five years ago, I got together with Dr. Suzanne Berman to put together a Pediatric Practice Management Calendar and the concept remains the same:

Identify all the periodic things that a well-run pediatric office has to do to stay on top of its game and put them into a schedule to remind you what you need to do next week or next month.

I’ve created this Google Calendar you can add to your own calendar at any time. I’ve taken all of the items from a long list and distributed them evenly throughout the year with some sense of timing of certain things. All the calendar items, organized by theme. All the calendar items, sorted by week.