Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Pediatric Coding and Practice Management Event, Dec 2012

Written by Chip Hart | Sep 10, 2012 2:53:56 PM

Now that the AAP is no longer producing or developing their vital coding and practice management events, we have to rely on others to continue to push out the content that we know is so vital.  I am, of course, biased, but practical, when I suggest that the PCC UC is perhaps the strongest option available to the public (here are the 2012 details), but I'm delighted to announce a third.

CodingCon 2012 Pediatric Track

OK, sure, I'm presenting the pre-conference day and an RBRVS class, but the rest of the conference is divided up between Dr. Rick Tuck and Jen Goudreau.  I'd put them both in the top-5 pediatric coding experts nationally.  Look at just some these great courses:

Auditor Eyes Are on You — and Your Payments Are Secure!

Coding for Your Valuable Time

Coding For Immunizations, Making It Easy - Rick Tuck


Modifiers That Get You Paid!

Protect Deserved Hospital Care Pay With These Denial Busting Moves 
- Jen Godreau

...and that's only 1/2 of the pediatric content.

My experience is that even the briefest coding or PM seminar pays for itself quickly when you get quality content like this.   If you don't learn something from the speakers lined up here, maybe you should be teaching the rest of us.

Here is the event attendee brochure.  This should be a great time and help fill the pediatric coding and PM coaching gap.