Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

PCMH Payoff in NC

Written by Chip Hart | Jan 4, 2012 2:34:01 PM

Holy smokes.

The Governor of NC just issued quite a press release:

"Care management saved N.C. Medicaid nearly $1 billion over four years, according to a new analysis by a national health care consulting firm."  You can read the rest here.

Given that there isn't anywhere close to full PCMH coverage in the NC Medicaid program, these savings are enormous.

I don't have enough details to be satisfied, but this bodes well:

In North Carolina, Milliman used Medicaid claims data to compare the costs incurred by recipients enrolled in one of the state’s 14 regional medical home programs to those of patients that were not. Researchers found that more frequent office visits and treatment of newly diagnosed conditions initially added to per person costs in the medical homes program. But fewer emergency room visits and hospital admissions, combined with greater efficiencies and improved care resulted in better health and sizeable savings over the longer term, the report says.

I like claims-based data, perhaps I'm biased. You can read the rest of this analysis here.

All of this just after the AAP announces that PCMHs benefit kids without special health care needs by lowering their need for sick visits and that parents spend less out of pocket with PCMHs.

In pediatrics, the PCMH concept is going to have a greater effect than MU.  I really believe that it works.  For those of you fighting for payment, I just gave you 4 links to support your cause.  Keep at it!