Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!


Written by Chip Hart | May 14, 2008 2:11:42 PM

I just stumbled onto a goldmine of a blog whom I've referenced before but I hadn't really explored. Lo! and Behold! a series of fascinating pieces about the concierge medicine concept but with language and articulation I haven't encountered previously. A new term - microcapitation - seems to be a perfect description of the "Care Package" concept that I've talked about here and in seminars. I'll see if I can poke the author into looking directly at the preventive care packages that seem so natural for pediatric offices.

Anyway, I see a title forming for my next SOAPM newsletter piece. Microcap. Care package. Personalized medicine. There's something in that. I like it.

His blog pieces are long, but worth it. Want to know where to start...try here or here. I'll get back to the 96110 tomorrow, but I will return to CrossoverHealth.