Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Many Great Opportunities To "Get Out Of Your Office"

Written by Chip Hart | Jun 27, 2018 2:55:01 PM

As many of you know, I am a strong proponent of getting out of your office - doing whatever you can to get important input from outside your practice, whether attending conferences, participating in seminars, or even just visiting other practices.  Well, I've got a pile of options for you!

First, three webinars:

Webinar: Do You Work with the Wrong People?
Thursday, June 28th at 2pm (ET)

PCC’s Chip Hart will host the last webinar in his series on The Five Biggest Pediatric Business Mistakes.

Work relationships can make or break how you feel about your practice. A toxic environment quickly destroys the culture of an office and shuts down effective communication. Every office has that one person you think you ‘can’t live without’ even though they make everyone miserable. It doesn’t have to be this way. We’ll show you what you can do to improve your communication, productivity, and H/R practices starting now.

Pediatric Innovation Summit
12pm (ET) / 9am (PDT) on Friday, July 20th.

This important virtual pediatric summit, hosted by GoCheck Kids, thought I might be helpful as part of an online panel discussion.  In fact, I think I may be moderating.

The panel will also feature leaders from  Boston Children’s,  Allied Physicians Group,  CHADIS,  and GoCheck Kids.

Putting the Medical Home into Practice for Children
July 12th at 2pm (ET)

PCC’s Chip Hart, The Verden Group's Susanne Madden, and Dr. Sue Kressly (representing the AAP) for an informative webinar hosted by PCPCC (no relation!).

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) has become known for generating better outcomes for patients, including children. In the late 1960s, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) developed the medical home model with the goal of delivering better primary care to children and adolescents with special health needs. In this webinar, subject matter experts from the AAP, Verden Group, and PCC will cover the following topics:
  •  Overcoming key barriers to comprehensive, team-based care in the pediatric setting
  • Lessons learned from actual practices that have undergone transformation during PCMH accreditation
  • Financial incentives for undergoing PCMH transformation
  • Outcomes of PCMH transformation with billing patterns, practice finances, patient engagement, and more


And now, an in-person seminar series.  Paul Vanchiere is bringing his PMI traveling circus on the road - you can see the 12 dates and locations here.  Cheap, good, local.  Almost like the farm-to-table of pediatric practice management training.

Rumor has it that the Orlando meeting might get morphed into the FCAAP meeting somehow, so if you are attending the FCAAP chapter meeting on Labor Day weekend, you might get a free or cheap bonus!