Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Fast And Furious

Written by Chip Hart | Jan 23, 2009 1:59:38 PM

In no particular order:

  • Here is a great piece from Physicians’ Practice entitled “What Is Your Number?” and one physician’s view on becoming a “concierge” practice.  The message is one that more primary care docs should pay attention to!
  • Was alerted of an interesting conference:

Neonatal & Pediatric Nutrition: Update 2009 July 20-22, 2009 San Francisco, CA This conference targets dietitians, physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners and pharmacists from neonatal and pediatric practice settings. Topic areas include the science underlying obesity, probiotics, nutrition for premature infants to maximize outcomes, food allergies, impact of maternal nutrition on the fetus/newborn, nutrition and the brain, and nutrition for the complex pediatric patient. Join nationally recognized experts and explore best strategies to meet the requirements of these special patients. For more information, contact Contemporary Forums at (800) 377-7707, or online at