Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!


Written by Chip Hart | Oct 18, 2007 2:14:43 PM

This month's AAP News has some great news and some congratulations are in order to some PCC friends and family.

First, Dr. Richard Tuck won the District V Vice Chairperson position. Wow! I can't think of a better person to lead a district.

Second, Dr. Phyllis Cavens won the 2007 AAP Local Heroes award. To quote: "Dr. Cavens leads the Child and Adolescent Clinic, a private practice of nine pediatricians, four pediatric nurse practitioners and 55 employees that cares for 20,000 children in southwest Washington. The group provides access to all children regardless of their insurance status. Besides her work on behalf of children in her community, Dr. Cavens has led medical teams to treat victims disasters in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Mexico, Uzbekistan, Moldova, and Honduras." Awesome work.

She also does a killer talk about chronic disease management. Er, not a killer talk, you know what I mean.

Third, Dr. Anne Francis was recognized with the 2007 Charles "Buzzy" Vanchiere Award (sponsored by PCC, of course). "Dr. Francis is the managing partner of the Elmwood Pediatric Group in Rochester, NY...Past chair of the AAP Section on Administration and Practice Management executive committee, Dr. Francis chairs the AAP Private Payer Advocacy Advisory Committee. She played a key role in the launch of the Practice Management Online and continues to provide information on best business practices for pediatricians." Well deserved and rewarded even for PCC to see her win.

I'm also personally delighted to see Dr. Tayloe win the Presidency position after witnessing his behind-the-scenes effort to help someone over on PedTalk. The details aren't important, but I was blown away by the time he took to help a practice manager and an ill child from another state.

Congratulations to all.