Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

COCIT and the AAP Need Your Meaningful Use Help

Written by Chip Hart | Jul 30, 2010 7:56:08 PM

At our UC and Practice Management and Coding event last week. we had the distinct pleasure of a presentation from Dr. Christoph Lehmann, the new Medical Director of the AAP Child Health Informatics Center.  Afterwards, we chatted and we agreed how useful it would be for someone to start a REC and HIE review site, especially for pediatricians.

PCC has already experienced the conflict-of-interest challenges that the RECs often faceand, more understandably, their lack of pediatric expertise.  If there are RECs or HIEs who do get it, I want to know.

To my surprise, Dr. Lehmann had a site up and running about 2 days later.

So, folks - head to this site and provide your feedback.

From: Christoph U. Lehmann, MD, FAAP

Organization: Johns Hopkins University


<> Dear COCIT members,

<>As you know, the Office of the National Coordinator released the final ruling on Meaningful Use on July 13and the AAP's Child Health Informatics Center is monitoring the latest news and updates for you. With payments for the meaningful use of Electronic Health Records expected as early as May of 2011, it is critical to provide to the AAP fellows as soon as possible the best available information resources to aid in the EHR implementations.

<>In collaboration with the Council on Clinical Information Technology, the AAP's Child Health Informatics Center has developed an interactive web site to collect and rate all Meaningful Use resources of importance to pediatricians available at

<>We made an effort to start populating the web site with resources. But we urgently need YOUR help. Please visit . We ask that you add at least one resource in your state and that you rate 3 resources already available on the site.

<>The combined knowledge, dedication, and expertise of COCIT members will turn this resource in a powerful tool for pediatricians - but it will only succeed with your help! So, please - go and visit the site NOW ( - add your resources and rate some of the existing ones.

<>Thank you very much in advance - we appreciate your time and expertise.

<>Chris Lehmann, MD, FAAP

<>Director, Child Health Informatics Center, AAP