Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Another Immunization-Vaccine Chart

Written by Chip Hart | Jul 7, 2008 2:42:49 PM

It's been tough getting to the blog the last week or so. I've been busy getting ready for our Pediatric Practice Management Conference in August (why aren't you signed up?!) and will announce later this week a new AAP-endorsed event in Columbus, OH on September 17 (save the date!) and a teleconference series sponsored by Physicians' Alliance to begin in August.Worse, I had a very vivid dream this morning that I'd already written this entry, so it was tough to motivate out of bed.Here is some good content for you, though. First, a while back, I put together an "Immunization Chart" or "Vaccine Chart" (I don't know what else to call it). Then, I found out - thanks Siouxsie - that the AAP puts out something very, very similar. We include the disease associated with each vaccine, theirs might be better laid out. Click on the image below for a PDF version.Originally, I had planned to update ours with the CDC pricing info, but I want to get some sense about whether I should use my original chart, the AAP's, or somehow combine them all together. Eyeball this and tell me what you think. In the meantime, you can get the latest CDC pricing info here.

Vaccine Coding Table 2008

More, perhaps even later today, about our new conferences!.