Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!


Written by Chip Hart | Oct 26, 2007 2:23:40 PM

I am in San Fran, getting ready for tomorrow's AAP NCE meeting. Well, many of the meetings have already started, but the big exhibit hall doesn't open until tomorrow. I had hoped to pick up some of the PCC crew at the airport, but I have a lunch meeting with my friends from Pediafed that will conflict instead.

If you are in town, email me (chip @ pcc dot com) or meet me at our booth (#1519). We are going out to dinner every night, so come join other interested folks.

I mention Pediafed because I am always surprised by how many offices I meet who are not part of one of the many different immunization buying groups. Pediafed, Main Street Vaccines, and, in particular, Physician's Alliance (I'm sure there are others and I know of at least one that should be starting soon). I think I'll do a little detailed piece on them soon! Physician's Alliance has been particularly helpful to us and our clients over the last year and they do a lot more than just vaccines. Go, Bob!

Meanwhile, I will attempt to "live blog" from the NCE over the next few days with my pithy comments and observations. I'm sure you'll be riveted.

Oh, here's a fun email I received:

When I told my billing staff yesterday that we probably would be sealing a deal with OXP/UHC shortly, they said many of our patients had already switched to other plans, "just in case." Our letter was like a last straw for them because so many of their other doctors had already dropped Oxford/UHC (or were about to).

Yes, you can blog that .