Confessions of a Pediatric Management Consultant... Where fame and fortune await those who help keep pediatric practices alive and independent!

Coordination of Care Form (and Good Story #175)

Written by Chip Hart | May 11, 2008 1:43:48 PM

Dr. Rona Stein, in response to a request on PedTalk for a "good form [you] use to track time for coordination of care" was generous enough to offer the following form. It may not be the Magna Carta, but it works and I really appreciate her effort and willingness to share. Right-click links below for the version of your choice:

Thank you, Dr. Stein.

Meanwhile, I was catching up with a client on her continued negotiation with UHC. She has given them a short time frame to fix some real issues. What happens when a pediatric office manager puts her foot down and says, "No!"? Here are her words:

We met and we are waiting for them to get back to us with a proposal. Thanks for the help. They were really taken back over the information we had. They have been in touch with us almost everyday fixing our vaccine issues. Just waiting for the fee proposal. Holding my breath, but we are prepared to walk.

That last sentence is fundamental for their reason for success.